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Forest School

Our Forest School site is situated in the magical Hillsborough Forest Park where children’s imaginations are free to run wild. We are located 360 meters from The Bungalow at 15 Ballynahinch Road, Hillsborough, which is where we meet each morning at 9.15am.


We follow the NI Preschool Curriculum and incorporate learning in a safe and secure outdoor environment, where free play, fresh air, exposure to the natural world and physical activity are an integral part of learning. 

Safety is paramount and so risk assessments are carried out each morning, all our children wear brightly colours waterproofs and our staff team are easily spotted in their Forest School uniform. Boundaries are set each day during group time and then the children are free to explore, adventure and investigate their world and their abilities! There is space to build dens, construct bridges, climb trees, balance, jump, dig, crawl, and paint. An endless supply of natural resources encourages the children to create and imagine in every moment. Our highly skilled staff are always on hand to ensure risks are managed in a way that still benefits the children, and that support is given when needed.


Children must be 2 years 10 months and fully potty trained when they can attend Forest School which runs each day of term time from 9:15am – 12.00pm. We go to the forest in all weathers, so it is vital the children are dressed appropriately with hats and gloves in winter and sun cream in summer! We request that everyone joining Forest School wear Didrikson Waterproofs which can be purchased through The Bungalow during registration.    

Each day we upload information about your child’s day to our Nursery Pal app.  This is a secure, online way for you to access information about how your child has eaten, played and toileted during their time at nursery.  We will upload some fun pictures from their activities and experiences during the day too!  It is a fantastic way for you to catch a glimpse of what they really get up to!

Click here to download the Forest School Information Pack 

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