Every year we celebrate out Preschool children finishing their time with us and heading off to big school. The last year has been a very strange on for all of us so we were incredibly happy that restrictions eased enough for us to have our celebrations.
The children had a marvellous time! We kicked the day off with sports day! Everyone took part and tried their absolute best! There was some incredible speed, super high jumps, fabulous balancing, and medals all around!
After sports day, the children dawned their graduation gowns! They looked so smart! And out we went to show everyone! They sang their graduation so fantastically and brought a tear to many an eye! Joe bear was there over seeing everything, and he made sure that every child received their goodie bag full of memories of their time with us!
Thank you to all the children for being an incredible bunch! You have had to be strong and resilient this year as the world you knew changed before your eyes. Thank you learning at home, staying in touch and being so wonderful when you returned to the classroom! To the parents – thank you for doing such a great job with home schooling and surrounding your little ones with the love and comfort they needed through these strange days! They have all become wonderful children who are ready to face whatever Primary School may throw at them!
Good luck to you all!